Manage your Plan
Available as a web portal and mobile app, Cigna Envoy© is our secure, one-stop digital platform that allows you to access and manage your plan and benefits instantly.
Employer Login (Client Portal) Employee Login (Member Portal)Whether you're an employer or employee, Cigna Envoy© is packed with powerful tools that make managing care easier. Visit the website at or download the app:
Submit claims, review and check status of pending claims
View and Print ID cards for the entire family
Find health care professionals and facilities
Message Cigna Healthcare with questions or concerns
You've got a lot to do in your day. Moving from meeting to meeting. Going from place to place. If you need to manage your company's plan between meetings or while you're on the go, Cigna Envoy makes it easy. With just a few clicks, you can:
Track plan usage
Delegate compliance data uploads to team members
Manage your plan in numerous other ways
At Cigna Healthcare, we do our best to provide customers with easy access to healthcare around the world. And one of the ways we do that is through Cigna Envoy. Whether you're at work or relaxing at home, you can manage your plans from your mobile or laptop. With it, you'll be able to:
Take a picture of a claim and submit it via your mobile device
Find nearby providers
Reach out to one of Cigna Healthcare's customer care representatives 24/7/365
© 2025 Cigna Healthcare. All rights reserved.
Cigna Europe Insurance Company S.A.-N.V. Singapore Branch (Registration Number: T10FC0145E), is a foreign branch of Cigna Europe Insurance Company S.A.-N.V., registered in Belgium with limited liability, with its registered office at 152 Beach Road, #33-05/06 The Gateway East, Singapore 189721.
The Cigna Healthcare name, logo, and other Cigna Healthcare marks are owned by The Cigna Group Intellectual Property, Inc. licensed for use by Cigna Corporation and its operating subsidiaries. All products and services are provided by or through such operating subsidiaries, and not by Cigna Corporation. Such operating subsidiaries include Cigna Europe Insurance Company S.A.-N.V. Singapore Branch.