Cigna Healthcare Customer Testimonials

Decision support for choosing the right treatment plan

Case Description

An insured member was diagnosed with Ischemic heart disease at a Singapore private hospital. His cardiologist ordered an angiogram and angioplasty. The surgery was scheduled to be performed in two days’ time, at an estimated cost of SGD 35,000.

The Cigna Healthcare Solution

The Cigna Healthcare clinical team reached out to the member and advised him to consider an expert second opinion. The member agreed, and received a second opinion a day before his surgery. The second opinion advised it was unnecessary to rush into the surgery as the member was symptom free with stable coronary artery disease and no complaints of angina. Urgent angioplasty is not recommended. The member should continue with his current medication, possibly with the addition of a nitro lingual spray. It is safe to postpone any procedure indefinitely until he develops symptoms of angina.


After thorough consideration, the member cancelled the procedure and consulted his primary care cardiologist in Mumbai. The cardiologist concurred with the second opinion since the nuclear stress test result was also negative. The member was satisfied with the result and sincerely appreciated Cigna’s support.

Helping member find healthcare provider that suited their needs

Case Description

An insured member sought treatment at a Singapore private hospital and was diagnosed with deviated nasal septum, bilateral turbinate hypertrophy sinusitis and otitic barotrauma. She was advised to undergo multiple surgeries to treat her condition. The member was concerned that with multiple surgeries, her recovery time would be longer and it could impact her business travels.

The Cigna Healthcare Solution

Cigna Healthcare case manager alerted member on the possibility of 'over-treatment' and proposed for an expert second opinion. When the second opinion supported the suspicion, Cigna Healthcare advised the member to transfer to another hospital and made all of the logistical arrangement, even setting up the appointment with a recommended ENT specialist.


Both the new ENT specialist and the expert second opinion agreed that one of the proposed procedure was unnecessary. It would have contributed to a higher treatment cost, longer recovery and discomfort for the member.

Going beyond paying a claim, finding long term solutions for member

Case Description

An insured member experienced lower back pain for the last 7 years. An MRI at a Singapore private hospital confirmed that the member had lumber disc herniation and recommended for a lumber fusion procedure that could cost up to SGD60,000.

The Cigna Healthcare Solution

Cigna Healthcare case manager provided all round support to the member, from arranging additional two spine experts to review and consult on the case to locating the most suitable healthcare provider abroad when the member decided on an alternative treatment that was not available locally. The two spine experts disagreed with the initial recommendation for surgery and instead advised member to try localised injections and physiotherapy first. Cigna Healthcare then helped the member locate an in-network physiotherapist near the member’s home and arranged for the treatment bills to be forwarded directly to Cigna Healthcare.


With regular physiotherapy and injections, the member’s lower back condition is now under control.

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Let our consultants prepare and arrange a customised health insurance plan that best meets your needs.

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Cigna Europe Insurance Company S.A.-N.V. Singapore Branch (Registration Number: T10FC0145E), is a foreign branch of Cigna Europe Insurance Company S.A.-N.V., registered in Belgium with limited liability, with its registered office at 152 Beach Road, #33-05/06 The Gateway East, Singapore 189721.

The Cigna Healthcare name, logo, and other Cigna Healthcare marks are owned by The Cigna Group Intellectual Property, Inc. licensed for use by Cigna Corporation and its operating subsidiaries. All products and services are provided by or through such operating subsidiaries, and not by Cigna Corporation. Such operating subsidiaries include Cigna Europe Insurance Company S.A.-N.V. Singapore Branch.